Holy Spirit's GrACE page


GrACE Grateful Advocated for Catholic Education - Inspire, Invigorate, Embolden

GrACE stands for Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education. The goal of GrACE is to advocate for publicly-funded Catholic education across the province of Alberta. It is supported by the Alberta Bishops, Alberta Catholic School Trustees and Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta.

The mission of GrACE is to inspire, invigorate and embolden the spirit of Catholic education in order to unite, engage, educate and communicate with one voice on its behalf. GrACE is a partnership of stakeholders resolutely committed to Catholic education within the province of Alberta.

For more information, visit the GrACE website.

Our Holy Spirit Team

All Alberta Catholic school divisions have been asked to form a GrACE team that advocates for Catholic education. Holy Spirit Catholic School Division's GrACE group was formed on May 29, 2019 and is made up of parents, clergy, trustees and a variety of staff members. Their unique perspectivies these individuals bring towards advocating for Catholic Education in our school divison are invaluable.

Holy Spirit's GrACE Group in May 2019

GrACE invites all those committed to Catholic education to be advocates and witnesses for our schools' success and their future!


Our why...

The gift of publicly-funded Catholic education in Alberta is a blessing. As a community we are called in gratitude, faith and action to ensure that our children and future generations continue to learn and grow in our Catholic schools.

Did you know?

  • Publicly-funded Catholic schools are constitutionally protected and have been educating children in Alberta for 150 years.
  • 183,000 students currently attend Catholic schools in Alberta.
  • Alberta is one of three provinces in Canada with publicly funded Catholic education.
  • Catholic schools welcome all and educate both Catholic and non-Catholic students.
  • Catholic education affirms parents as their children's primary educators and respect the rights of parents to choose the school that best meets their needs.
  • Catholic schools' deepest desire is to ensure that every child knows and experiences the love of God through the witness of their community.
  • Principles of diversity and inclusion are central in the teachings of the Catholic Church and permeate all aspects and curriculum in a Catholic school.
  • Catholic schools are committed to academic excellence.


How you can help?

In your homes, neighborhoods, schools and parishes, watch for and get involved with your local GrACE team. Help spread the word by sharing your stories of Catholic education.

Join the conversation:

  • Follow GrACE provincially on Facebook and Twitter
  • Use the hashtag #gottagracegroup and #IBelieveinCatholicEd.

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
Romans 16:24

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